Book Mockups in a *Snap*

I recently discovered (and fell in love) with a graphic design tool created specifically for authors and book promoters. If you’re paying graphic designers or photoshop fees to create ebook mockups or promotional items - take a few minutes to look at BookBrush.

9 Graphics You Need

I’m two weeks out from release - which means I’m scrambling for graphics like a Florida tourist looking for sunscreen. Strong graphics can be the difference between a blah release and a star-studded one - and there are a few key traits that will set your graphics apart from the pack.

A year of text messaging... the results

With social media visibility on the decline, and newsletters competing for inbox attention, I recently turned my attention to text message marketing. With text messages boosting of 90%+ deliverability rates, I was curious to see the affect that they might have on my sales.

When Plagiarism Hits

Plagiarism isn’t common in the writing world, but when it hits, it can be deadly. This was a sad week in publishing, as a popular author was caught stealing content from several bestsellers, including Tessa Dare, Courtney Milan, and Bella Andr

Amping Up Chemistry Between Characters

The secret to increasing chemistry between characters often starts with an incendiary spark. It’s in the details. A glance, a touch, the fleeting thought of wanting more. But chemistry is also closely rooted in the basics of good storytelling. Here are three quick tips to see if your story is on track, and what to look for if it’s falling flat.