What readers need to click the Buy button

What readers need to click the Buy button

One of the biggest mistakes that I see authors make is when they post about their book and leave out the four important pieces of information that every reader needs to know. I call these the…


In my first post on adopting a sales mentality, I said that - in order to buy, readers need to know about your books AND have the necessary information to make a purchase. That necessary information includes:

The Book Title. I like to put this in all caps so that it stands out, but you can also put it in quotes, or leave it alone if it is obvious. I like to mention it twice, but at minimum, mention it once.

The Sales Link. This is the most common omission but it’s the most important element! Be sure to include at least one retailer link, and use a clean or short link to keep it from looking messy.

The Genre. This is optional, but I strongly urge you to include the genre. Here’s an example of how to include the genre in a short paragraph at the bottom of your post:

If you’re interested in reading THE GHOSTWRITER, this psychological suspense is available now.
See reviews and availability >> amazon.com/dp/B0762HY74M/

The Availability. If your book is on preorder, be sure to tell them when it will be released, or indicate that it’s available now.

How to promote your book without being salesy

How to promote your book without being salesy

Writing a Blurb with Mal Cooper

Writing a Blurb with Mal Cooper