Growing comfortable with a sales mentality

Growing comfortable with a sales mentality

Authors often struggle with the sales portion of our business. After all, we didn’t get into writing to become a salesperson! Can’t we just write stories and have readers gobble them up?

Well, yes. IF your readers know about them and have enough persuasive information for them to make that purchase.

In order to grow comfortable with making sales pitches to readers, you must first…


Let’s backtrack to my earlier statement.

In order for readers to gobble up your latest book, they have to know about it AND have enough information to make a purchase.

If you never talk about your book, your readers won’t know it exists.

If you only post about cat videos, tv shows, and pictures of your lunch - you are wasting both your and your reader’s time.

As cute as Fluffy is - that is not why your readers followed or subscribed to you.

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Your readers want to know about your books.

Repeat that phrase three times to make sure it sticks. These people followed your profile, subscribed to your newsletter, or visited your blog because they want to know about your books. For goodness sake, give the people what they came for.

Stop looking at your book posts as unwanted advertisements and start looking at them as what they are: exactly what your readers came here for.

Once you flip that switch in your mind, you can move on to the next hurdle: how to promote your books in a non-salesy way. Here’s a blog post with book-specific ideas.

Do you need more help with marketing your novel? Check out my step-by-step course with over forty video lessons in every aspect of novel marketing - A Fearless Way to Sell More Books.

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How to promote your book without being salesy

How to promote your book without being salesy